Back to school 2024: welcome to your university!

PSL University would like to welcome you to the new academic year and wish you all the best for 2024-2025 !

Discover the campuses

Back-to-school events

Your main services, resources and student associations

Customize your route

Wifi: The Eduroam network everywhere on campus

Use the Eduroam network to connect wherever you are on the PSL campus. This network can also be used at other universities in France and abroad. Your login details will be sent to you by e-mail when you register. If you encounter any problems, please contact your university's IT department.

Health: Preventive medical check-ups & teleconsultations

For your medical check-up, sports fitness certificates (non-competitive) or vision and hearing tests: The student health service welcomes you by appointment from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm. It comprises a preventive medicine unit and a prevention and psychological guidance unit.

As a PSL student, you can consult a doctor on video, thanks to a partnership with Qare. You'll be able to make an appointment with the practitioner of your choice from over 40 specialties, including general medicine, dermatology, addiction medicine, nutrition, cardiology, gynecology, sexology, sports medicine, etc. Consultations are free of charge, and all you need is your “carte vitale”. Once you have registered with your school, you will receive an email from Qare, partner on your student email address, to activate your account.

To find out more

Food distribution

Throughout the year, the student association Epicoop organizes the distribution of baskets of vegetables, starchy foods and other basic necessities. To become a volunteer or a beneficiary, find all the information you need on the .