PSL Alumni

PSL Alumni (PSLA) is the joint association for alumni from all PSL schools.

The institutions that make up PSL have a long history and strong identity, giving them large networks of former students organized into the various alumni associations.
To gather all these students and graduates under a single banner and support PSL’s transformation into a top international university, these associations joined forces in 2012, while still maintaining their separate existence, to form the PSL Alumni community.

All graduates of PSL courses and members of a PSL institution alumni association are also members of .

Goals of PSL Alumni

PSL Alumni is a non-profit organization (Loi de 1901 status in France) whose aims are to:

  • Help its member associations coordinate with one another and act as a strong, coherent force with a single voice to influence PSL
  • Pass along information from PSL through the member associations to their networks, and serve as a conduit to convey feedback provided by alumni
  • Help create an identity for graduates of PSL member schools
  • Support PSL’s initiatives in France and internationally through its network
  • Facilitate relationships between PSL / its member institutions and companies
  • Effectively develop the alumni association networks and their ability to support PSL and its international development
  • Support PSL in developing knowledge related to scientific, technical, managerial, and artistic innovation and research, both in France and internationally

As required by its statutes, the PSL Alumni Board of Directors is made up of the Presidents of each member association.

This Board has elected the following officers:

  • Honorary president: Jean-Claude Lehmann, Honorary President of A-Ulm
  • Acting president: Dominique Blanchecotte, President of Dauphine Alumni

Under the current PSL statutes, the President of PSL Alumni has an advisory vote on the PSL Board of Directors

  • Vice-President: Franck Moisnard, La Fémis Alumni
  • Secretary General: Sylvain Gilat, ESPCI Alumni
  • Treasurer: Laurent Marty de Montereau, AAEEnsAD
  • Digital: Jean-Yves Moise, ESPCI Alumni

List of member institution alumni associations that make up PSL Alumni

, Conservatoire National d’Art Dramatique - PSL alumni association

, Associate Researchers and Doctoral Students at Collège de France

, ENS - PSL Alumni

, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL Alumni

, École des Chartes - PSL association of graduates and Master’s students

, Association Unissant les Doctorants et Docteurs en Astrophysique (Association of Doctoral Students and Doctors in Astrophysics)

, Institut Curie association of doctoral candidates and PhDs