HRS4R certification

̳ places a premium on the quality of both its recruiting and the work environment it offers its communities. In tandem with its member institutions, PSL embarked on the HRS4R initiative (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) in January 2019 with the goal of ensuring that all of its component schools obtain HRS4R certification.

A quality approach at the heart of our academic human resources strategy

As part of its accreditation process, ̳ has adopted a collaborative approach, drawing on the experience of component institutions and research organizations already accredited. This collaborative approach has resulted in a plan of 35 actions aimed at improving the working conditions of teaching and research staff.

The HRS4R label

logo label hrs4r

The HR Excellence in Research Award is a certification given by the European Commission in accordance with the released in 2005.
The certification is based on 40 principles grouped into four main categories:

  • Ethical principles and professional responsibility
  • Recruitment, career development and mobility
  • Working and safety conditions, workplace environment
  • Training

Its goal is to improve the quality of HR practices and the working conditions for researchers and research professors while enhancing the appeal of those professions.

Certification will soon be required for all European Union calls for proposals.

What progress has been made in implementing the measures set out in the Action Plan?
Measures implemented effectively

Creation of a shared recruitment website, “PSL Recruitment”, and harmonization of academic job descriptions

Thanks to the shared website, , the Human Resources Department is able to centralize all job postings, in particular those related to academic job openings, and ensure that they are widely distributed.

Supporting innovative teaching

A training program titled “Support program for teaching practices and digital applications” has been set up, as part of the PSL Internal School, supported by Dauphine - PSL.
An Educational Project Leave Scheme has also been set up, which is open to research professors within the University.

In addition, PSL’s Educational Innovation Center (CIP), which is also supported by Dauphine - PSL , was established in 2021 to develop innovative teaching practices and mentoring for individuals or teams. The scheme aimed at teaching assistants has also been implemented.

A support service for international research professors has been put in place, through PSL’s Welcome Desk

This new service was launched at the start of 2022 and has helped us to support more than forty research professors during the first half of 2022 alone.

Developing training programs aimed at research professors

Through the Internal School in particular, as well as the Doctoral School, the program offering for research professors has been enhanced with the introduction of specific and general training programs in the fields of management, teaching and risk management (discrimination, equality, PSR, etc.), for example.

Establishing a PSL Ethics Committee and Université Paris Dauphine – PSL’s own Research Ethics Committee, in conjunction with the Scientific Integrity Liaison

Development of Open Science

A working group was set up at the start of the year, for the purpose of carrying out an in-depth review of how Open Science is being developed. In addition, a PSL Open Science Charter was adopted in May 2022.

    Choosen Strategy

    Our initiative

    PSL has adopted a two-phase joint initiative of its component schools. That initiative draws on the experience of the schools (such as Institut Curie) and institutes (CNRS, INSERM, INRIA) that have already obtained certification. Each school is conducting a self-assessment and developing an action plan. The project managers from each school serve on an .

    This collaborative approach have provided an opportunity to share best practices ans identify areas for joint action.

    Key dates:

    • Ferbuary 2018: Institut Curie research center certification
    • January 25, 2019: HRS4R initiative kick-off workshop – ̳.
    • May 2019 : Inria certification
    • November 2019: ̳ issues a letter of commitment to the HRS4R initiative.
    • October 2020 : Dauphine - PSL certification
    • May 2021 : ̳ certification
    • June 2021 : ESPCI Paris - PSL certification