EELISA: European Engineering Learning Innovation & Science Alliance
̳ joined the European Engineering Learning Innovation & Science Alliance (EELISA), an alliance of nine European institutions, in seven countries, that share a common vision to define and implement a common vision of the European Higher Education and Research.
An alliance including 10 institutions
- – EELISA coordinator
"European Universities" Initiative: EELISA Alliance won European Commission's call for proposals
EELISA – visions of the future
The ambition of the EELISA - European Engineering Learning Innovation & Science Alliance is: to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society, with an increased inclusiveness, cross-disciplinarity and commitment.
- Re-inventing the “European engineer” and define a european degree.
- Democratizing engineering education.
- Evolving interdisciplinary engineering learning.
- Encouraging knowledge, skills and technology transfer.
- Fostering inclusiveness and diversity.
- Making a real impact on society following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs.
How will EELISA be implemented?
The European engineer and the engineer education

EELISA aims at creating a common European degree in engineering. For this purpose, EELISA will train a new generation of engineers, who can combine top technological skills with the needs of society in a sustainable development perspective. The engineers will become highly qualified and also committed to contributing to make the EU a fair and prosperous society with a sustainable economic model. The engineers will be able to work in interdisciplinary, multilingual and diverse pan-European environments. The cross-disciplinary input aims to improve the reflection on engineering practice, and also to develop any other education course stemming from engineering training.
Thanks to EELISA, students will have many more opportunities for mobility or dual degrees to hone their curriculum. EELISA will also provide opportunities for teachers and researchers to adapt, change and create courses.
A European campus
Shared goals and feedback on best practices will further the emergence of an EELISA campus. Improving the processes for hosting and monitoring transferred students and staff will be the cornerstone to developing our successful campus. It will enable students, faculty and staff to travel easily to an EELISA partner. EELISA will, for example, upgrade Erasmus exchanges, with digital tools that will make their management more efficient for both staff and students.
Stimulate research collaborations
Although EELISA is primarily focused on education, research will also benefit from the work undertaken by the Alliance: collaborations in research will also be stimulated (sharing access to member institutions' facilities; strengthening the capacity of institutions to answer to calls for proposals; working jointly on high-potential research topics).
To strengthen collaborations with research, the EELISA project is also supported by Horizon Europe, through the EELISA InnoCORE Project.
Boite à outils : EELISA un levier pour la formation et la recherche de l'̳
The EELISA research themes cover all areas of knowledge, the seed funding available and the complementarities with the Horizon Europe programme.
Minutes of the workshop held on 18 January 2024
EELISA offers short mobility opportunities, tools for recognising mobility and schemes to promote inclusion.
Minutes of the workshop held on 18 January 2023
The european universities, in a nutshell
Echoing the "" given by the President of the French Republic on September 26, 2017 at the Sorbonne, the European Commission launched two calls for flagship programs in 2018 and 2019 to test several models of European Universities. In total, 41 projects, funded for 3 years, have been selected to strengthen strategic partnerships and increase the international competitiveness of European higher education. French institutions - including PSL - are well represented with 32 institutions involved in 28 winning alliances.
European universities must allow the emergence of training and research strategies devised on common missions; integrated European campuses that facilitate pan-European mobility; innovative teaching methods that promote entrepreneurship and community involvment among students.
These new European higher education and research alliances will promote the inclusion and success of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups, and contribute to regional and local development by addressing societal challenges.
EELISA has received co-funding from the European Union under GA No. 101124676 / EELISA-InnoCORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 R & I programme under GA No. 101035811. Although EELISA is co-funded by the European Union, views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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AAP Européanisation des formations date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 17 février 2025.