Call for international partnership projects: PSL Global Seed Fund Autumn 2024
In 2023, ̳ created a funding instrument dedicated to the initiation of international projects: the PSL Global Seed Fund. Twice a year, in autumn and spring, PSL faculty and researchers can submit applications for funding to initiate new collaborations or to prepare, with an already identified partner, the response to a more structuring call for tenders.
The Autumn 2024 campaign is now open. It will finance projects between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026.

The call is aimed at faculty and researchers from PSL’s component schools and associate members. See list at the top right.
The GSF is open to all topics and disciplines, and to all international partners.
Projects involving several PSL component-institutions and PhD students will be particularly appreciated.
Main objectives of the call:
- support and consolidate projects in their start-up phase, in order to attract larger amounts of financing.
- encourage the emergence of scientific and artistic collaborations with an international pedagogical dimension that can have a structuring effect over the long term.
Additional funding opportunities through our privileged partnerships
The GSF has no thematic or geographic priorities. The only criterion is the quality of the project and its relevance to the stated objective (application for other European and international funding, structuring or innovative effect of the planned collaboration, etc.).
PSL communicates the GSF call to its privileged partners and shares the projects that concern them in order to maximize funding opportunities. This is notably the case with the University of RICE, the University of Chicago and the University of Montreal, where this mechanism is part of the contractual provisions of bilateral framework agreements. In addition, other mechanisms have been set up with long-standing partners such as Cambridge University, University College London, the Australian National University and the University of Austin to enable projects involving them to benefit from co-financing under ad-hoc arrangements.
- Total budget for the call for proposals: €150,000
- Maximum funding per project €12,000
- The activities covered by the funding will take place between April 1st, 2025 and March 31st 2026
Types of eligible activities
- Organization of conferences, research seminars, workshops, artistic events, seasonal schools (organization and travel costs)
- Exploratory or consolidation missions with an international partner or future partner
- Research trips for PhD or postdoctoral students (*if the trip cannot be covered by specific ERASMUS+ funding)
- Transfer of knowledge or expertise aiming to strengthen scientific skills
- Hosting of an intern at a laboratory (internship wages)
Main evaluation criteria
The evaluation process will mainly consider:
the scientific quality of the project and its alignment with the targeted objectives;
the project's ambition and expected short-term results: what is the project's potential in terms of kick-starting a mission? For example, the project aims to prepare the submission of an application to a national or international call for proposals. This point should be emphasized in the “impact” section of the application.
the involvement of several PSL component institutions in the project whenever appropriate,
the interest of the collaboration for PSL. The project should target a partner whose complementary nature and contribution in scientific and technical terms or in terms of access to the field are clearly highlighted in the application.
Other important points:
The selection panel will pay particular attention to the following criteria:
- involvement of young researchers (PhD/postdoctoral)
- multidisciplinary
- co-funding: for example, it is co-funded by one or more PSL institutions; it has mirror funding from the international partner; it is/will be the subject of external funding.
- The Jury will pay particular attention to the carbon footprint of the proposed projects.
How to apply?
Click on the “Application Portal” button at the top right of the page and follow the instructions on the application platform. The following steps are required:
- The project applicant creates an account using a PSL institutional email address.
- Once the account has been created, the applicant fills in the application form on the online platform. The application is then linked to the account, and the applicant can save the draft and return to it at a later date. To do this, simply log back on to the platform with your login and click on “I make or take over a request
- At the end of the application form, the following documents must be added:
- a short CV of the project owner,
- written proof of the foreign partner(s)' involvement in the project (letter, email). If there are several letters of commitment, they must be compiled into a single PDF file. - The applicant submits the application before the deadline of 01/12/2024.
The project will first be consulted by the international relations department of the applicant's component institution, before being forwarded to the jury.
If you have any questions about the call for applications, please contact : or your institution international relations office.
You can find a list of contacts for each component institution in the “Need help?” section of the application platform.
Selection procedure:
All proposals sent will be examined by a panel made up of :
- Vice-President of International Relations and the PSL International Relations Department
- A representative of the PSL Education Department
- A representative of PSL's research department
Administrative procedure
A funding decision will be drawn up between PSL and the project leader's component institution, associate member or partner institution. In the event of expenses being incurred directly by a second institution, a specific financing decision may be drawn up to ensure the implementation of the project runs smoothly.
A short report (including financial statements) must be submitted to PSL's International Relations Department within two months of the end of the project.
- Call launch : October 14th, 2024
- Closing date : December 1st, 2024 at 23h59 (Paris time)
- Results by : January 2025
- Eligibility of expenditure : from April 1st, 2025 to March 31st, 2026
- Call launch : October 14th, 2024
- Closing date : December 1st, 2024 at 23h59 (Paris time)
- Results by : January 2025
- Eligibility of expenditure : from April 1st, 2025 to March 31st, 2026